It's almost time! It's almost here! I'm overwhelmed with heart-stopping anticipation! Here's my problem. . . The book comes out the day before school starts! Aaaarrrggghhh!!! How can I possibly stay up all night reading when I'll have to be coherent enough the following morning to get my kids to school on time, with all their supplies, and get them into the right classroom, which means I'll have to be dressed and looking presentable. Aaaarrrggghhh!!!

I think that we should have a Hunger Games party the Friday following the book release. Don't get me wrong, anyone who wants to buy it at midnight and read straight through 'til dawn, be my guest! But on Friday, those poor souls who couldn't manage that can get excited about the book, start reading it, and have fun with fellow fans. What do you guys think?!
Sarah Beth
Sidenote: We have this song I like called "Sarah Beth" and I really like the way those names sound together, so I thought I'd start using the moniker to distinguish myself on posts such as this.
I'm way impressed that you found a countdown clock :)
Yes, I would totally be down for a party of some sort. Are you going to be in charge of building the cornucopia?
I'm going to allow myself to re-read the first 2 books again soon.
Yes! I will build the cornucopia!! I've been contemplating whether or not to read both books again. I think I'd like to. We'll see.
Ilvoe the idea. Yes yes yes. Party on Friday night sounds wonderful. Maybe we could come up with edible survival foods.
aaaaaahhhhhh its almost here!!! look forward to seeing you all this friday
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