Sunday, July 25, 2010

Expelled - No Intelligence allowed

I wanted to write a review of the movie that Ben Stein did called "Expelled - No Intelligence allowed" We found it at the local library of all places. It was amazing. He delves into the academic world of biology and shows what happens to anybody who even hints at disagreeing with the theory of evolution. He does not try to show the holes in the theory as much as he tries to show how we are in a dangerous place because scientists are now not allowed to question. It is excellent. I think everybody should see it. At least everybody who reads this blog should see it. Hey, who even reads this blog.

(This was written by Matthew Jordan)


manajordan said...

Well, I read this blog :)
I've heard good things about this movie from others as well. I'll definitely have to check into it.

Anonymous said...

lemon cakes reads this blog.

manajordan said...

ooooh LemonCakes was here :)

rychelle said...

mrs lemoncakes was here too

manajordan said...

Matt, thanks for the recommendation. I watched it today during my lunch break :) Excellent film, really well done and spot on.