Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I've been getting sucked into books recently and it's pretty fun. I finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo which was awesome. The depth of the characters made the story so much better, and actually the movie strays quite a bit from the original story line. I think partly because of the movie I was expecting there to be certain things to end happily that never did, and I was bummed about that, but it was still good (I actually finished reading this Dumas novel, which is better than my attempt at The Three Muskateers that was to flowery for me).
I also read The Icing on the Cake, which I must say that I really liked even though it was cheesy. It's written by an LDS author Elodia Strain. I'm quite a sucker for chick flicks, and this book reflects the too-good-to-be-true love story with lots of comedy in it. Different ends of the spectrum here, but I think I'd recommend both: one for action and the other for reading while you do girly things like a facial and eating cream puffs.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Beautiful Video

Heather sent me this video, and I was really touched by it. These dancers are amazing and their message is beautiful. Thanks Heather for sharing it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

When I was in Nampa one day I picked up Angels and Demons and started reading it. I was hooked. It has a riviting story line, but is totally not believable since everything happens in just over a day and no person could really survive all those death defying experiences and not at least eat. It has some pretty dark moments.

After reading that one I needed to read a book that was total fluff. Jessaca let me borrow the book Icing on the Cake that she had borrowed from her niece. It was totally fluff, very predicable and I enjoyed reading it. Now what next?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Help Governor Palin

So, I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm kind of a fan of Governor Palin. The website I most frequent is www.conservatives4palin.com
This week they are hosting a webathon in order to get rid of the legal bills she has been forced to acrue due to ethics complaints, all of which she has been cleared of. Please spread the word on this effort, and then go to www.conservatives4palin.com in order to find out how you can help.
Thanks guys.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rychelle did it first!!

I'm posting a quick, not about books/movies blog entry. I just wanted to let everyone know that I set up a new blog for Matthew and I and the kids. I added a link to it on the blog list on this blog, so check it out. Give me like a week or so, though, b/c I'm still in California, and there's nothing really on the new blog yet. Happy reading!!
Sarah Elizabeth

Friday, June 12, 2009

To Boldly Go...

Matthew, Mom and I went to see Star Trek. That would be the second time that Mom saw it, which is weird because I wouldn't classify mom as a Trekkie, but we all went on her invitation. Great movie, great plot line thanks to another masterstoke of JJ Abrams. I know that many of you have already seen the movie, so I'll just say that the three of us agreed that Captain Kirk is the man for taking so many hits to the face in one day, and being choked twice. Another man would atleast have to stop to grab a snickers bar and/or a blood transfusion in order to take on the Rombulains. On a side note: Can anyone confirm my suspisions that Uhara is Lisa Turtle from Saved by the Bell?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I was featured

So, I took a challenge on Brassy Apple Blog, to refurbish a T-shirt and then to post the tutorial on blog and the post a link on thier site...letting them know about your tutorial. I have refurbished a few T's...I think it is really fun...so I thought I would try to come up with my own idea...AND I DID.

I made/re-created a T-shirt into a cape. At my house it is an "Evil Knight" cape. Will loves it.

The point to this is that another blog saw this and features my idea on her blog!! I was super excited and I feel a little cool. you can check out my featured cape here...and you can look at my tutorial here...

Thanks for listening (reading)...I thought you would be excited for me, eventhough this isn't a book post, but I do have one coming.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I've been on a bit of a book kick lately, and I must say it's fun. Especially to Rychelle: I just read The Host by Stephanie Meyer and I think I liked it better than her Twilight series, so that might be worth a try to feel better about her works. Just FYI it is about aliens, and I have warned mom about that but she also wants to read the book, I thought it quite the page turner.

I also finished reading the second book in the Goose Girl (Books of Bayern) series. It's called Enna Burning, and like Jessaca I didn't think it was as good as the first book, but it got better and better the more I read. I loved it by the end.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I have heard from several sources that Ella Enchanted, the book, was so much better than the movie, I was a little skeptical about reading the book. I really like the movie, and I didn't want to be disappointed in the movie after reading the book. What I found was the book is indeed delightful. I very much read it. However, the movie and the book are so different, that if you watch the movie with the idea of being entertained, there isn't any reason to be disappointed. Other than the basic premiss, and the characters having the same names and some of the same charitaristics, and a very few incidents, they really are very different works. I very much enjoyed both. I have the book for anyone who would like to borrow it. I also have the movie.