Saturday, April 2, 2011

Godzilla's Spine

Lately, the boys have been into Godzilla...So one day, the Boys came up to me and wanted me to see Godzilla's Spine. I thought, "Okay..." having no idea what that meant.

They showed me this:

Yes, they built the "spine" if Godzilla out of blocks.
please don;t mind the blanket, but the toy shelves behind it distracted the picture. (This was a cool view!) I love that it is so that even a word?!?

And here are the boys, so proud of their work! I was too! They have the BEST imaginations and they play together PERFECTLY...actually, I take that back, they play together QUITE WELL!!

1 comment:

manajordan said...

Its totally cute I'm glad you posted it here too!