Friday, April 16, 2010

Fablehaven Rocks!!

I just finished reading books 1-4 again in the Fablehaven series, so I could prep myself for the GRAND FINALE in book 5. Brandon Mull is an excellent writer! Rarely does reading a book a second time capture my attention. This time, I couldn't put them down and read them all in a week! I was hoping it would take me longer so Bill & Deena could finish reading their copy, but I couldn't help myself! That being said, and with all due love and respect: Bill and Deena, my most wonderful in-laws . . . HURRY!!! Love, Sarah

1 comment:

rychelle said...

Funny, I was wondering why Sarah was saying Bill and Deena...and then I finally got to the in-law part and it hit me...oh this is Sarah, not Sarah!

We are excited to read the 5th book, too.