Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sons and Daughters of LIBERTY

This is a post from Daddy Jordan under the disguise of Mama Jordan. I was able to listen to the 5000 year leap while I have been working in the flower garden and also down stair cleaning the store room. The store room looks pretty good by the way. Trying to prepare for the future by getting space ready for the needed food storage. Back to the book. I find it fascinating how far we have drifted from the founding fathers intentions for this blessed country. If we believe in the inspired creations of the constitution then we have to find a way to change the direction of the present course that has been set over the past several administration. It may be easier to back up to a safer time (as far as the constitution is concern) and then set a new course rather then try and set a new course from where we are now. Though it is a sobering book to go through I think it can give us a wake up call to become the sons and daughters of liberty again. I am glad to have gone through the book and hope many of you will be able to read it or listen to it. I have the CD if any one wants to borrow it.



manajordan said...

A big ol AMEN to this post. I'm glad that you listened to this book. I echo the recommendation for others to read it. We owe it to the future generations to stand up for what our country is supposed to be. Good stuff Dad!

Unknown said...

Preach it Papa Jordan! You start the revolution, we're bhind you all the way!