An Angel Named Screwa
Twas a month before Christmas and all through the forest
A cry rang out in a loud chorus
If you listened intently you'd soon realize
It was from the trees that those echoes did cry
Said one tree to another "my top! my top!"
Answered another "I know it just flops!"
You see dear reader all the trees felt like wimps
For all of their tops had gone fairly limp
The trees all knew soon they were to be spangled
So what did they do? Well, they asked for an angel
One tree asked "should we send for Gabriel?"
"No" said another "he's busy, unavailable"
Still another cried "Well, what about Lori?"
"No, no" cried a chorus, "she's off singing glory."
Now the trees began to sob "Well, what shall we do ahh?"
"I know" shouted one tree "Call out for Screwa!"
So, the trees all called with one loud voice
"Please, oh please send Screwa forth!"
Suddenly with a light and a song
Came the tiny angel with her special tools on
Just one foot tall but full of direction
She lighted upon each forests section
Upon the tops she quickly alighted
To fix the problem their tree tops to tighten
So, how does she do it, you might just ponder
I'll tell you so you no longer need wonder
She carefully places the screw between knees
And then with just the right touch she gives them a squeeze
Then to each top to make them so firm
She sets the screw in, and herself gives a turn
She twists and turns then gently releases
The tree is all fixed up, all together no pieces
So, happy and joyful are all of the trees
And happy are we to have them you see
So, now if you give your tree top a look
You might just see fair Screwa's good work
And here is a lesson for all the year
Size doesn't matter, Screwa makes that clear
Thanks be to Screwa, thanks for answering the plea
For now we have this great big beautiful tree
And as you place your star up high
You know it stays up there because to your tree she did fly
Merry Christmas